If you're feeling generous, and you really think we're swell, surprise us!
Care packages and letters should be sent to:
Lara Goodrich and Zack Ezor
3825 Dumbarton Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30327
From there, our families will forward parcels along to us with our usual maildrops.
If you're curious about proper care package etiquette, read the Do and Don't lists below, courtesy of Karen Sousa (Pog).
- Plan ahead and do research on your particular hiker's likes and dislikes.
- Look for care package items all year long - good presents are sample sized hand creams (not heavily scented), Chapstick/Blistex with SPF, hair scrunchies and elastics, socks (you need to know what size and brand), sample dental floss (make friends with your dentist), airplane-size plastic bottles of liquor (check with the USPS before sending alcohol), phone cards, and homemade goodies are always welcome.
- Treats mean more if they are the "right" brand or are something special to that person.
- Make color copies of photos of friends and family or hiking events (Trail Days, leaving Springer, etc) and offer to send the actual photos at the end of the hike. That way, the hiker doesn't need to carry extra weight but can share the pictures until he is ready to discard them or use them as fire starter. Include poems, jokes, emails they may find humorous.
- Send stamped postcards - you never know - you might even get one back!
- Send everything in small portions.
- Include freezer type Ziplocs in which to store anything you send. And an extra one or two never hurt either.
- Look for food items with strong flavor - fireballs, jolly ranchers, jelly beans, dried fruits, individual sized
- Label any food items that might be unidentifiable.
- If all else fails and you are out of ideas, send cash with instructions to spend it on ice cream, beer, a good meal, a night in a motel - whatever you would buy that person if you were there personally. Or send a Ben and Jerry’s coupon!
- Don’t send a whole batch of cookies with the idea that there will be plenty to share. Many hikers get mail drops at the exact same places and they will often ALL have "extra to share". Send half a batch, wrap the rest of the batch well, throw it in the freezer and send it at a later date when your efforts can be appreciated a second time.
- Don’t feel that more is better. Remember how carefully you watch what you pack when you hike and apply that care two-fold to a long distance hiker. Instead of sending a magazine, send the interesting article. Instead of the whole bag of candy, try a snack size Ziploc full.
- Don’t forget that if you send a three-pound package, they have to carry that three pounds in their pack up the mountain that is always on way out of town.